Atif ali bashir assistant professor of pathology college of medicine majmaah university introduction. Diagnosis and management of community and hospitalacquired pneumonia in adults. Neumonia intersticial idiopatica, enfermedad intersticial hereditaria. Download as pptx, pdf, txt or read online from scribd. Generalidades sobre las neumonias intersticiales idiopaticas. High resolution computed tomography hrct is the best imaging technique for the study of interstitial disease. What every radiologist should know about idiopathic interstitial pneumonias. Neumopatia intersticial usual by diego gutierrez on prezi. Neumonias intersticiales idiopaticas sciencedirect. Christina muellermang, claudia grosse, katharina schmid, leopold stiebellehner, alexander a. Epidemiology most common infectious cause of death in usa 4 million cases per year occurs throughout the year prevalence from various etiologies varies from season to season affects all age groups most severe in infants, elderly, chronically ill. What every radiologist should know about idiopathic. Ornithosis,alsoknownaspsittacosisisa zoonosisproducedbychlamydiapsitacciandtransmited.
A read is counted each time someone views a publication summary such as the title, abstract, and list of authors, clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the fulltext. Neumonias intersticiales idiopaticas pediatricas y del adulto. Su doctor tambien le tomara una foto a sus pulmones. Ppt neumonias intersticiales idiopaticas daniela luz. Sorry, we are unable to provide the full text but you may find it at the following locations. Classification of idiopathic interstitial pneumonias. Scribd is the worlds largest social reading and publishing site. En su lugar, pueden aparecer inquietos o letargicos, con llanto inconsolable, perdida del apetito. In the past years, there has been major progress in the discovery of genetic factors that contribute to disease. The idiopathic interstitial pneumonias are diffuse lung diseases characterized by interstitial inflammation and fibrosis. Genes with highly penetrant mutations or strongly predisposing common risk alleles have been identified in familial and sporadic iip. Neumonia intersticial idiopatica by victor rodriguez on prezi.
Signs of pneumonia breathing faster than normal or having trouble breathing pain in the chest when breathing or coughing. Enfermedad pulmonar intersticial, enfermedades reumaticas, diagnostico. Mujer 78 anos, cirrosis hepatica por vhc, hta y asma. Medlineplus en espanol tambien contiene enlaces a sitios web no gubernamentales. Rekomendacje postepowania w pozaszpitalnych zakazeniach ukladu oddechowego. Una mirada general a las enfermedades pulmonares intersticiales y. Las neumopatias intersticiales idiopaticas nii, son las enfermedades pulmonares intersticiales mas frecuentes.
Otras neumonias intersticiales idiopaticas neumomadrid. Abstract in the last century a significant progress has been made to classify, diagnose and understand the pathogenesis of interstitial pneumopathies. Since liebow and carringtons original classification of idiopathic interstitial pneumonias, there have been controversies over which histological patterns should be included and how they relate to clinicopathological diseases such as cryptogenic fibrosing alveolitisidiopathic pulmonary fibrosis cfaipf. Pneumonia is caused by a bacteria, virus or chemical. Pulmonary fibrosis is the main cause of severe morbidity and mortality in idiopathic interstitial pneumonias iip.
Neumonia intrahospitalaria nah neumonia causada por. Pneumonia when you have pneumonia, the air sacs in the lungs fill with infection or mucus. American thoraci societyeuropean respiratory society international multiisciplinary consensus classification of the idiophatic interstcial pneumonias. A xaubet, j ancochea, r blanquer, c montero, f morell, e.
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