Similar to sorghum, small grain nutritive value was higher than that of nrc wheattriticale silage headed or early head, and results were closer to those values reported for preensiled small grain silage crops by marsalis et al. Agronomic soil tests measure extractable nutrient levels. Along a historical timeline, triticale is a very recent species, but its development has neverthe. Por ello ahora solo atenderemos pedidos por internet con envio a domicilio. The name triticale combines the scientific names of the two genera involved. Small grains used to the greatest extent in new mexico are wheat triticum aestivum l.
En canto ao seu uso forraxeiro, os seus rendementos, tanto en verde como en ensilaxe, poden superar aos do trigo, centeo, orxo ou avea. It emerges rapidly from fall plantings, produces copious quantities of fall and winter forage for grazing systems or as an effective cover crop, and develops rapidly in the spring for high quantity and high quality silage or hay. The hybrid is produced by cross pollinating wheat and rye. Effect of timing of planting on percent yield loss. Triticosecale is a hybrid of wheat triticum and rye secale first bred in laboratories during the late 19th century in scotland and germany. Commercially available triticale is almost always a secondgeneration hybrid, i. For a yield equivalent to wheat or barley, it produces a 30% larger volume of straw.
Trical triticale offers superior forage for grazing, silage, hay or as a cover crop. Las siguientes variedades y presentaciones las conseguimos sobre pedido. Triticale also has secondary advantages, such as its high production of straw, which is of direct interest to livestock farmers. Triticale in mexico food and agriculture organization of the united. The user is free to download, print, store and share this work. All of these species have the potential to fill gaps between summer crops to supply yearround, high. Cimmyt manages intellectual assets as international public goods. Small grain survey results are presented in tables 3 and 4.
1396 223 324 1153 959 9 656 1104 1247 1490 150 821 1016 1156 650 1394 1389 236 304 535 1339 201 167 1236 1045 1273 1410 101 745 653 1468 168 1432 79 309 269